Mmm what is happening nowadays?
Wars in today? Everyone is Worrying man.
Alphabet W is dangerous man.
I wonder how about WWW.
Wilayah Persekutuan. Yet everyone lives tensionly. Worries alot.
Why ya? Y? Because of W?
I felt Peaceful when at Penang.
P is Peace.. Aha..
Look for more P words and Places next time.
Alright that's it.
Hello Jews! Yahudi! Please save yourself first!
Humanity is alway KIND! WHITE! Don't forget that!
What is PAST is PAST. GONE is GONE.
WHatever HOLOCAUST, OUTCAST is irrelevant now.
Buddha already said there's no CASTE system in Buddhism.
Same as Humanity. Brotherhood only. Hi BROS! SIS! or SIS! BROS! Equality =
Save the WORLD first! Nature!
Trees! 3s! All are falling down. Calling for HELP!
Nature dies, we all DIE. Animals, Shephards, Sheeps, Snakes, EVERYTHING.
Not sure what will happen if this continues.
Maybe Architects of the World will come out and play.
You don't want to mess up the Alphabet A. The most powerful thing in this World right now.
Architects have Compasses, Rulers, Stones to their disposal.
They can literally PLAN, CHANGE everything. Delete things if necessary.
Just to restore Stability. Save Humanity.
They are Grand, Great and Good. G.
Go Google the Alphabet G. Something is out there.
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