CAD man... u still RemMember thatt CTRL+ALT+DELETE??
Weeiiii not talking about 3D drawing stuff k!!!!!!!
How come ppl still use tat THING nowadays... soo OLD de!!
Hey if ppl like me, ENERGY, gets into something wrong, u THINK 3 sttepps willl gaodiM MEHHH??>>?? errrr how the heck do I reset my life? i DONT. i go ahead. onli
ERrrrr.... i will just jump ahead onlyy lo... funniii ler
and i don careeeee bout the nummmberzzzzzz.... what are theyy in the 1st PLACE..
i'm gonna save the TREES. Damn. waste of time :P
wats it called again... BOSD, BSOD, ... ahh yes Blue Screen of Death
Y so many blue things around me nyway...... blue film.... blue TESCO.... got such thing as true-blue?? i dunno...
Nvrmind i go seaside... the view is nice.. Happyland here is surrounded by OCEAN.
Nice. COOL.
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