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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Absolute power of Alphabets, Words and English

A is the most powerful Alphabet in th World.
Everything in the World revolves around it.
I also like to use English to write out my thoughts.
Our World's Lingua Franca is still English. (rise of English in diplomacy began in 1919.. huh we have 1991, 9/11..)
Universe is of course the most beautiful.


  1. Use English if you want to, but it really cannot be described as the world's lingua franca.

    Take a look at www.esperanto.net

  2. Well it still is! Y u used English to communicate with me in the 1st place ;) Esperanto uses Welcome! .. but why not 欢迎?我不知道哦。。。 (welcome? I dunno o...)

