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Monday, December 15, 2008


Hello box!! haiz lazy to find tat article again.
What's pandora box btw, heard it many times.

Well in mythology it means something that exist, yet doesnt exist.
OK wtf. Hantus loh. Can see and cannot see. WTF......
OK got eyes and blind. come on man.... u a boy, or girl. tats it.

no inbetween. firm. confirmed. absolute. yeeeet soome still go and imagine loh..
ala u get the idea la.. pasar malam get weird stuff... lesb :P hey i like watching those... turns me ON.. but hey.. i'm not doing... WHO CARES...

so y waste time setting up stupid stuff like I'M VERY ACTION, ceh u think u action man meh.. hey hey, ENERGY here! hhhheellllloooooooooooooooo
awwwrite... then set up soo many SPY CAMS around shopping malls... tat QB thing is really driving me nuts... go everywhere feels like being watched. i Don like it.

wan Privacy man.. wana LOCK my self up....
OK LOH U LOCK ME LA... but i'm energy man... :P not scared at all
INVINCIBLE ONe... later u FREE me i am also FREEEEEEEEEEEEE man de...


and yes... DONATE TO BOX????? WTF

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