Monday, December 15, 2008

So WTF is WHITe hOle anYway

OK. i DUno. but Its GREAT.
Links up to Sutff like wormholes... yee sounds scary... but have Teerms like Schwarz,schild wormhole... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)

OK MAN i Read books like Travel around the World in 80 days.. But Now ITS difFeren... cAn be inStantaneous MAN... How??

HaiYa find 3 Fellas la.. 3 fELLLAs are Nice ppl. see PPL also 3 words only. and Surely they like nature tOO.
Can RealLy BREAK ALL THE ruLes.. anD i AMMMMM the RULEZZZ.. not "RULES" okkk!!
so Go "DeleTe" 0. Doesnt exist one... MAN.. scared le... exist, or not exist, HANTU... so STTUUPPIIDDDD, BOOODOOOHHHH man... rite guys

But for me.. strangely theY won KNOw i EXISTED in The 1st place man... Coz they Are alReady [[[rubberband]]]. ImpoSsible to gEt out. I can COME and Go, Do sOme BIg bAng, and leave.. Invvislble. InVINcible. (ok, Da Vinci or whatever).

bUT hey gimme a break k,,, thEy say u cant change thw WORLD in an Instant.. but i Tell U,, tats not TRUE. the oNly TRUTH is, I break Watever fuCked up laws, And i Make only 1 law - one Utama law. ever1 fOllow. Heeeeyyyyy many ppl aroUnd tat place. [NO wrong.. see many 0 here]

So i just wann some peace, spend time go placces like nature, whatever parks, rest first, then big bang again. Meanwhile wanna go learn bacK music stuff... Maybe piano.. Impress some girlszzzzzz frst


and er.. stuff like US, INDIA, CHINA... well they are all the biggest in this world now.
but i don CARE......... i am ALL.. ENERGY man
So i gUezz the world is abit Humble de now.. CETEK abit.. go sloww man.. How slow??!? I dunnoo too.. I'm nOt trying to be SARcastic here ;)
Don just Disappear suDdenly.. i Will learn sLowly... yet chaTching up fast

Makan. first.

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