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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy 2009!

Wow NEW YEAR is coming! Let's celebrate!
COSMOS pictures here. Jupiter will transit to Capricorn in 2009 (I'm Capricorn anyway. All good stuff to me soon!). COSMOS is perfect.

World Games

Mmm what is happening nowadays?
Wars in today? Everyone is Worrying man.
Alphabet W is dangerous man.
I wonder how about WWW.

Wilayah Persekutuan. Yet everyone lives tensionly. Worries alot.
Why ya? Y? Because of W?
I felt Peaceful when at Penang.
P is Peace.. Aha..
Look for more P words and Places next time.

Alright that's it.
Hello Jews! Yahudi! Please save yourself first!
Humanity is alway KIND! WHITE! Don't forget that!
What is PAST is PAST. GONE is GONE.
WHatever HOLOCAUST, OUTCAST is irrelevant now.
Buddha already said there's no CASTE system in Buddhism.
Same as Humanity. Brotherhood only. Hi BROS! SIS! or SIS! BROS! Equality =

Save the WORLD first! Nature!
Trees! 3s! All are falling down. Calling for HELP!
Nature dies, we all DIE. Animals, Shephards, Sheeps, Snakes, EVERYTHING.

Not sure what will happen if this continues.
Maybe Architects of the World will come out and play.
You don't want to mess up the Alphabet A. The most powerful thing in this World right now.
Architects have Compasses, Rulers, Stones to their disposal.
They can literally PLAN, CHANGE everything. Delete things if necessary.
Just to restore Stability. Save Humanity.
They are Grand, Great and Good. G.
Go Google the Alphabet G. Something is out there.

Absolute power of Alphabets, Words and English

A is the most powerful Alphabet in th World.
Everything in the World revolves around it.
I also like to use English to write out my thoughts.
Our World's Lingua Franca is still English. (rise of English in diplomacy began in 1919.. huh we have 1991, 9/11..)
Universe is of course the most beautiful.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A great leader

Why is he always smiling ^__^
A nice chap with a sharp EYE


Yee.. CYAN color seem so UGLY to me.. very artificial, having hex code of #FF00FF. But actually all colors are beautiful. What is REAL UGLINESS then.. simple.. LAZINESS, PROCASTINATION, LEPAK etc.

Monday, December 29, 2008

What I EAT

I study Nutrition as well. Go search Internet. Good for your HEALTH!
I like to eat

I know I'm getting enough protein, carbohydrates and fats.
No issues like meat eater, vegetarian or whatever. Whey is created during cheesemaking process (before things like Mozzarella/Cheddar/Parmesan are created). EXCELLENT source of protein. Complete. No questions asked.

No need waiters, waste time to cook, add oil la, add
ajinomoto la, whatever moto, till duno what comes out. Ala rojak la and rubbish.

I want to go gym and train up! Muscular hypertrophy. 3 sets of 12 reps etc. Beautiful. Ladies like it. I aim to have a body like this (will take time la of course bro, but it's possible)

What u know? Trophies isit.. from winning online games?!? Come on....

You are what you eat

Hey bros, let's dwelve into Babe's (babi but nvrmind la) story ;)
Nice rite everyone likes PIGGY.
Alrite let's go eat today then. (thanks to BuggerSia for the pics!)

Alrite! YUMMY!! Pay the $ then ciao.
EHHH wait... what's this...?

I duno OoO... O__O

I have improved!

Indeed I have! Since started.
I now write in proper ways.
Beautiful words and pictures.
No need to swear.
Continuous self-improvement.
The essence of human spirit.

The power of 3

Have you ever questioned the power of 3? Its a miracle stuff man.
- speed of light travels at 300,000 km/h (ignore that 299,792 km/h ok.. complicated)
- TREES (3) provide life for us - oxygen
- quotes like "3 times a charm!", "Tree of Life" etc
- err... 3 major races in Happysia... but i dunno what's a race. No such word for me. I know how to race cars only. Vrrroommmm...

So, are you going to kill trees? Alright you will know the akibat soon...


I've found an interesting quiz site http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/Religion/Connacht/which-is-the-right-religion-for-you-new-version/ and scored below in ONE go. I don't have to lie. Can you do better than me? I love to study religion stuff and question their validity. I read about Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and soon I wanna read the Quran too. Do you?

Nah to me I just love nature, love animals and love to help others. Don't worry about Satanism. Doesn't exist. We are humans, afterall. Oh forgot.. I'm actually an alien.. but nvrmind, HUMAN.

But... do you really need to study Religion in the first place? To me looking at pics is already enough.. so beautiful, for example

Hi BRO and SIS

Hello WORLD! Hello Bros, Sis! Hello Sis, Bros!

I duno wats Malay, Chinese, Indian, Bumi or whatever Sakais... I cant remember them... My memory jams badly each time i hear ppl mention about them!!

OK time for me to sleep! Alien needs to sleep too! ;O

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My wish for HUMANITY in 2009

Delete the word PSYCHIATRY. Totally limbo field. Paralyzes the MIND. PARADOX. Dangerous. Addictive. Withdrawal symptoms. Doctors in DENIAL. SIDE EFFECTS. =DEATH=.

Repeat: Delete the word PSYCHIATRY. Totally limbo field. Paralyzes the MIND. PARADOX. Dangerous. Addictive. Withdrawal symptoms. Doctors in DENIAL. SIDE EFFECTS. =DEATH=.


FuTuRe HaPpYsIa

Happysia MUST embrace GREEN technology in order to survive in the future. Including 0202. But currently every1 is turning a blind eye to this miracle technology. Every1 is obsessed with oil,oil,oil.

Oiiiii! Oil is both DEAD and DEATH. Dead in 10-20 years now. And death - I don wan to mess with rotten stuff, bangkai, or corpses. Causes pollution k. Eeeeiiiiuuu.

Luckily there are promising SOLAR technologies coming up as well. U get to have solar panel trees... wow interesting... combining photovoltaic technology and nature's design... brilliant

We have designers like Vivien Muller's & Ross Lovegrove (the 'trees' below)

OK time to look for more info on Energy, Water and Communications Ministry's RM100mil Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV) project... no1 KNOWS 1 hahhaha

Albert Einstein quotes

A,E's quotes. Listen up. Not I,O,U. Just A.E.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." - k Google

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."- creativity rulez in the end! no IQ, EQ or stupid Q

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."

"I never think of the future. It comes soon enough."- Buddha kinda said this also. No worries man

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."- k GOOGLE again

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."

"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."- edu trains u to think robotically

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."- always ask WHY WHY WHY... k tat's y this blog existed

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." - k u get the idea bout our politicians and general population ;)

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - opps humanity gonna be KOed soon!



yay... my creation ;)

Not news alert

Youungsteerss nowadays likkee to WASSTE THEIR stupid timee on chaatiing and idling.
Total no GOOOD!!

Why not visit sites like





Rajah's site.... err can't remember now.. go search!

Ruuberbands & FINANCIAL baILOUts

What is a rubberband. Rubberband is INFINITY. Alot of things in our society now are running in RUBBERBAND mode. Die man.... humans cannot tahan infinity stuff....

U think u have INFINITE ENERGY meh... only i Have it k!

CAses of rUBBERbands:

- go TESCO beli-belah, go buy fruits have to check $$ tag on BAnana lah, then u have to pUt in PLASTIC bag, WEIGH it, then finally go COUNTER and check out. WAS STUPIDITY IS THIS....

- FINANCIAL baiL ouTs -> heLLO!!! no 'OUTS' in tHe first plaace!! $$$ is already geNerated ouT of THIN AIR via FEDERAL reServe... thiS time SURE bubble burST again!! woHooo more ppL suffer later on!! meanwhile, GUYS, Go buy STOCKS now and SELL IT OFF 10 years exactly... u will EARN plentY!!!

ALBERT EINSTEIN, my fren already said.... human STUPIDITY is INFINITE!! rite man... u are rite!!!



Soooundss similiar rite... tat's yyy weeee have MALAYS, CHINESE, INDIA... go figurreeee