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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New commandment

New commandment (it's just 1 only) from the... upper realms (to take a peek, just click me)...

1. Post a post (please refer rule number 2) about 3 most beautiful picture (not pictures, since its 3 in 1)
2. Depending on your persepective, Post a post (please refer rule 1 again, since Red = 1) maybe include: Blogger writing a new post (what I'm doing now anyway); Postman posting a letter (Post a post)

GRAND PRIZE: if someone could tell me, when Red = 1, then what Yellow = ? 0164669688 OR 0342911886.
If your immediate output answer is not 0164669688 OR 0342911886, forget about contacting me. You failed. Which means you are not not a GOD. Yet.

This statement is ALWAYS TRUE by the method of DEDUCTION, not induction

If, by any chance, AT=ALL, you somehow know that Yet=1, (because Yet, when mentioned in English, ~sounds~ like "one" in Cantonese, then you still have a probability of guessing the next number right, whereby each probability is the inverse of the a factor of 1 unit of Planck time, which is ...

Anyway MY answer is (please scroll UP, not LOOK UP - where?)

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