1 one
2 own destiny, 2 eyes
3 miracles
4 death, fake [truth: LAW and ORDER]
5 nature, 5 fingers
6 sick, against 9, satan etc [truth: CREATION]
7 time, heaven
8 infinity
9 planets, knights, secrets
0 ? doesnt exist. Nothing. Space
A apple, absolute, alphabet, architect, animals
E eye, english, eternal, energy, einstein (error x)
G god, grand, good, ganesha
I information, I, 'eye'
T truth, trees, three
U universe, universal
B benevolent, banana, blood, buddha
P peace, program
R restore, reserve
observe, question, see
C curiosity, cure, choose, create
L life, land, look
O ooo, ouch, observe
D design, drawing, diablo, danger, dumb, dung, delete, diu
F friend, fake, fuck
H hi, hello, hohoho, hell, high
J juice, jynx, junk, jail, jam
K knowledge, kill
N neither, nether?, no, never, not
Q question, queue, 'kill'
W we, worry
X xtra, xtraterrestial, x-ray, xeno?
true ambi
M maya, miracle (male x)
S snake, save, siva
V victory, 'we', virgo
Z zen, zebra, zero
[general pop]
b an, banish
d ie
e rror
f uck
h ell
j ail
s tfu, sex, sheep
w ar
.. whatever that comes always the bad stuff first
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